Headed home tonight!

This holidays in Los Angeles was quite nice. I got back on track with work (but am still behind), I celebrated both my parent’s birthdays, which is a blessing.

XMAS Eve I was invited over to Pat’s annual xmas bash, which this year became bash on Pat for his mining in World of Warcraft haha. Is all good fun. It was good to see everyone, even Frank.

I saw my friend Leah from NY on XMAS night. Finding a place to get a drink was interesting, we ended up at the pier, mmm margis and guac!

I did a lot of shopping, went to Disneyland several times, once with my friend Laurie, who is uber sweet. Got some nice photos of the new castle!

I got to see my friends and their kids, William and Christie in San Diego. I love seeing them and I wish I could have seen them more – Time is short on these trips. I went to the San Diego Zoo and then had dinner with a blind date. Danica was charming, bright and I had a wonderful evening making a new friend.

New Years Eve was spent at Steve’s with the WoW gang. We talked WoW, made more fun of Pat with the “Missing” posters I made, watched Triumph the comic insult dog, part of Blazing Saddles until Steve’s DVD player could not take it anymore and then two Pink Panther films. In the middle of this we installed Panther on a clamshell iBook 366 and deduced that the Airport card slot is broken. Happy New Year!

Sunday was spent being lazy, playing some WoW. Now I am working on timed based events in Sophie and then it is back home.

And best of all, I was asked to be the Godfather <queue theme> of Matt and Roslynn’s child! I am terribly excited!

I look forward to meeting my new friends I made over the holidays and seeing old friends too. I don’t have any resolutions this year, other than to start making micro positive decisions and see if they lead to macro positive decisions.

I hope 2005 brings you all that your heart desires!