Kevin Rose caves in to money and children

Awhile ago the key to decode HD-DVD and Blu-Ray content was cracked and passed around. Recently it was blogged, there was a take-down notice (which also contained the key hehe) and then more sites started pointing to the original story.

People were then digging these blog entries with the key code in them. Digg started removing these dugg stories citing DMCA laws and better yet, their own Terms of Service that said they will check out and pull stories containing intellectual property rights violations.

Well the kids of got upset and started spamming the site with stories containing the key code, claiming “free speech is dead,” and essentially using a script kiddie technique of denial of service to piss digg off.

Well in this blog post Kevin Rose, accused of selling out to the HD-DVD consortium, sold out to the digg users and posted the key and said:

But now, after seeing hundreds of stories and reading thousands of comments, you’ve made it clear. You’d rather see Digg go down fighting than bow down to a bigger company. We hear you, and effective immediately we won’t delete stories or comments containing the code and will deal with whatever the consequences might be.

If we lose, then what the hell, at least we died trying.

Yeah whatever, Kevin. I respected you more when you supported IP. This society we live in feels entitled to content just because it exists and to crack/copy it all we want because its easy to do and really doesn’t cost the IP owner anything.

Actually this is about respect. Respecting IP and content and the owners of the content. OK so HD-DVD and Blu-Ray is encrypted. So what? Oh noes, I can’t see the latest Will Ferrel movie unless I pay for it? What will I do with my life?

It is time for us all to grow up. If you don’t like the terms the IP holder puts forth, don’t buy their content. Communicate with them about why you are displeased, but certainly don’t copy it just because you can. Show a little more self control and self respect.

In the process, show the original owners of the content some respect for them to do whatever the hell they want with their content.

What a concept.


  1. You’re completely off base with this. The DMCA is a bad law and needs to be repealed. IP litigation needs to be marched back into it’s cave too.

    This isn’t about stealing Will Ferrel’s next movie. It’s about buying Will Ferrel’s next movie and showing it on your ceiling in a player you made yourself. Or in your car, or under your pool, or on your Linux PC.

    What the DMCA and the media groups who lobbied it into law have done is locked you into dictating how you can use and where you can use items you purchase from them.

    Imagine if a 1957 Chevy came with the hood locked down, the wheels permanently installed and a sounds system that was considered “Intelectual Property”. It would be illegal for you to change the oil, add a supercharger, put chrome wheels on it or get a third party radio and speakers. There wouldn’t even be third party radios or speakers.

    Essentially what has happened here is wrenches have been outlawed as circumvention devices to car manufacturer’s IP. And it’s wrong and it needs to change.

  2. You’re completely off base with this. The DMCA is a bad law and needs to be repealed. IP litigation needs to be marched back into it’s cave too

    Yes, but this is entertainment we’re talking about. Anarchy is not the solution. Changing the laws is. And until that happens, don’t buy the content if you don’t agree with your rights to that content. Also, don’t break the law.


    Money, or the lack thereof, is a great tool.

  3. People outside of the entertainment don’t always realize where that money goes. Those commercials show the lowly film loader being put out of work because of pirating. It is a ridiculous accusation to make, the studios make the lions share of any money on a film, so little ever goes back to the creatives. A lot of these people get payed normal salaries, not getting any kickbacks for how well the movie does. The problem is that a creative entertainment industry has become exactly that, an industry.

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