Google’s Chrome

Google announced a new open-source browser, Chrome

The introduction is done as a comic – Well worth anyone’s read, and understandable too.

First off, I just switched to Firefox to try it out, and I am a Safari fan as well. The first “ah-ha!” with Chrome is that it is multi-processed. This means for each document, there is a separate OS process. A process is akin to an Application, but you (probably) won’t see a new dock icon for each document, aka Windows.

What this means is that when a web page locks up or slows down, the rest of your pages won’t. Even better, should one of the web pages cause the “browser” to crash, you won’t lose every page, only the offending one!

I know people at PMUG have heard me complain about this for years.

I hear Chrome is Windows only at the moment, but also that it is a based on WebKit (Safari’s engine). Interesting 🙂

I’m still reading the comic – you should too.

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