I have one cool girlfriend

Tomorrow is a big day in the life of the project I am on. Elizabeth, knowing these last push days are hell, stopped by while I was out at PMUG last night and left me some gifts:

A note on the door to look on my desk. A stressball there and a note to look on the couch. Some marbles there in case I lose mine and a note to look in the bed. Some silly putty there just for fun (hmm, might have to get creative here) and a note to look in the shower. Water crayons and a message on the shower wall to look in the fridge. Sports water there to keep me going and a note to look in the microwave. Some food in there and a lovely card.

How cool is that?

I really appreciate this. I can’t say how much, but she’ll be informed just how much at a later date and time. 🙂