if Apple had any less of a clue

Sigh. Everyone wants to watch or listen to this Apple Music announcement but we’re relegated to reloading an overload MacCentral website. Apple, do you have a clue anymore? Why shut out your audience, the people who will BUY your services and products? “Look, there is my foot! Shoot it!” Update: How sad, I have to… Continue reading if Apple had any less of a clue

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Aladdin, you guys

Aladdin releases a new Stuffit Expander, and I have to go through Digital River and submit all this info, make a password, just to download a free bug fix? Can you say junk info? What a waste of resources just to try and scam off some additional product sales. Update: Aladdin did have an FTP… Continue reading Aladdin, you guys

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I think I would ride Apple until they repaired my screen, because this is silly.

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Mac used in Army

Only one Mac, and it had to be specially ordered, but is used because the PC was just not fast nor stable enough when lives are at stake. Talk about an advertisement! Wired story here

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Apple ships sendmail security update

Apple released a security update which fixes a flaw in Sendmail (which is off by default) and includes a more robust version of OpenSSH. You can get the update from Software Update. The Security Update addresses a security issue in sendmail where a remote individual could gain access and control of the system. Although sendmail… Continue reading Apple ships sendmail security update

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InDesign 2 Quark should be popular product

Looks like someone is being smart about things. The Quark world sucks, but there are still many houses that need Quark files. A lot of people are finding they like inDesign more and more each day, but how to deal with houses set up for Quark printing? Check this out

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Whoa – Just seen on Headline News

Who woulda thunk it? I flipped on the TV to headline news and across the banner at the bottom was: “Top Selling Mac Software: 1) Mac OS X Jaguar 2) MS Office Promo” Wow! TSMS on CNN Headline News!

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The Fat Lady Has Sung?

According to this CNET article, there may not be another Opera for the Mac. Why? They claim because Apple is crowding them out with Safari. Sorry, guys. Your version of Opera for the Macintosh was mediocre at best. With a 2.6 rating on version tracker, this sour milk gripe just makes me even less likely… Continue reading The Fat Lady Has Sung?

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Congrats to Ranchero Software

Ranchero Software has released beta 13 of their wonderful RSS newsreader, NetNewsWire. The pro version allows you to post to your MT blog, and now supports categories in an easy to use drawer. Very nice, guys!

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Apple to post Keynote fix “soon”

cNet reports that Apple will be posting a fix to the ATI driver bug causing entire system crashes with Keynote “soon” I hope so, I like Keynote!

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Quark to InDesign story

This story is pretty interesting – those of you who use Quark, comments please?

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Apple acknowledges Keynote kernel panics

In this kbase note, Apple recognizes the kernel panic, and I was right, it is related to ATI! Damn ATI – It is obvious that Steve uses nVidia based Macs!

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Patents Gone Wild

SBC Communications sent this letter to protect it’s “links on left side of page that navigate within frames” patent violation error. What a crock! I am glad I moved my links to the top. Sheesh. What is next people???

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I bought Keynote from Apple today. What a great app! Click on the resume link at the top of this page to see a movie I made with Keynote. One issue is huge though – Keynote seems to cause Kernel Panics frequently while playing presentations. You can follow others with this problem here

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My first Jag KP

I just had my first Jaguar Kernel Panic. I think it is related to QuickTime 6.1. I had double clicked a movie my brother sent me. The QuickTime Player launched, but the frame didn’t fully draw. I could not force quit the player and as soon as I lauched another application that used QuickTime, I… Continue reading My first Jag KP

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