We need a new Safari

It has been so long I am forgetting what bugs I have reported or not. Can we please have a new build soon? 🙂

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Safari Find Broken

Safari does not seem to like to find text in pages with frames. Anyone else seen this?

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Staggered Windows

I don’t like the way Safari staggers new windows. they often end up with the scroll bars off the right edge of the screen, etc. I’d like an option to turn off staggering and just let me figure it out (or open new windows as tabs would be nice hehe)

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Ok this is great!

I had just not tried this, but I drug my Dating folder tab (not interested in dating at the moment <g>) down into the bookmark window and it worked! Very nice, seemless integration of the bookmarks.

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Safari b60 Notes

I was just complaining to Simeon that Verizon Wireless only works with IE. My ortho changed their certificate – I wonder if this “self-signed” certificate support will allow Verizon Wireless to work….. Yep! I am not sure I like self-signed certificates, but it works now. Windows no longer appear under the dock if the dock… Continue reading Safari b60 Notes

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Apple posts Safari update

Available via Software Update, the notes state: The Safari Update 2-12-03 improves the compatibility with popular web sites based on Safari user feedback, further improves the performance of loading web pages and Flash content, adds support for XML, increases standards conformance and delivers improved application stability. The update also enables access to web sites that… Continue reading Apple posts Safari update

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The Fat Lady Has Sung?

According to this CNET article, there may not be another Opera for the Mac. Why? They claim because Apple is crowding them out with Safari. Sorry, guys. Your version of Opera for the Macintosh was mediocre at best. With a 2.6 rating on version tracker, this sour milk gripe just makes me even less likely… Continue reading The Fat Lady Has Sung?

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No Undo?

Safari has no undo for text operations (typing/paste/cut/copy) in form fields, or anywhere for that matter. I hope this is on the list. 🙂

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Safari helps find a bug…

After looking at my site with Safari, my web counter was wrong (visually and numerically) Today I spent some time looking into this and found that the pipes (vertical bars) my ISP was generating for the IMG tag are not valid inside of a URI. A few hours later of dorking around with other scripts,… Continue reading Safari helps find a bug…

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I’ve made the switch to Safari

I’ve made the switch to Safari Why? Surprised me. I hate the Mozilla/Chimera history. I have never understood that, and Safari keeps a very good history, searchable, etc. Also, now that Chimera supports the ability for a site to not have Chimera cache a password (which I understand why they had to do it, or… Continue reading I’ve made the switch to Safari

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Bookmark window request

Dear Safariers, I would like to be able to open a folder from the Bookmarks menu (either pane) into it’s own separate window. I find this useful for arranging lots and lots of bookmarks that are in a very deep hierarchy.

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Two things I need from a Safari

As I surf the jungles of the world, I find myself needing two things my current host is not supplying. First off, and most importantly, is Keychain passwords. Not just realm passwords, but forms as well. Chimera does this wonderfully and I was told at MacWorld Expo that Apple is considering this as well. I… Continue reading Two things I need from a Safari

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Safari RSS Feed

I’ve created an RSS feed for just my Safari notes, in case Dave Hyatt gives a crap. 🙂 If you’d like to follow just my Safari notes using any RSS newsreader, simply subscribe to: http://www.geeksrus.com/safari.rdf

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Safari Bookmark Manager

I really like the Safari bookmark manager. I like having seperate bookmarks for my menu, my bookmark bar and then the manager itself. I like how it pulls in all URLs from my Address book – Finally! Very nicely done! (now just add those tabbed bookmarks and form passwords on keychains)

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Safari News

I spoke with some people about Safari, Apple’s new web browser. They didn’t like tabs too much, but I told them “It is an option, and a lot of people do like them!” When mentioning form passwords saved on the keychain, he said “this is in the works now.” Whoot! They also agreed that it… Continue reading Safari News

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Post from Safari

Am using Safari 1.0 beta to post this entry. Safari looks nice for a first attempt. Not sure it is always faster than Chimera. Since Safari does not support tabbed browsing, nor does it use the keychain to store form passwords, I’m sticking with Chimera. Those interested in seeing these features in Safari, please use… Continue reading Post from Safari

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