Oh you dirty rat – Braces update

We’re in the home stretch on the braces! I am in the finishing rubber bands now, which basically means I cannot speak much for 2 weeks. I can, but I sound like Peter Lorre, hehe. Should be good for some halloween scares!


  1. hi, i was just wondering what the HELL this website is about! you guys are truly geeks! honestly! whith all this popularity under my belt i look down on losers like you! get a fucking life you dyke!!!!

  2. Hey, thanks for the nice comment. This kind of feedback reminds me exactly why open, honest people like myself are not the losers of the world, and people like you who have nothing better to do than troll around and call people names, showing off their own insecurities like a neon sign in Vegas, are indeed the people who need the most love and attention in their lives.

    I hope you find it!

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